in script

My handwriting leaves a lot to be desired. It takes great patience to decipher the thoughts inked. “Please write legibly,” commented one of the judges, a local reporter in the province, in the feature writing contest.  Pieces for the schools’ press conferences were handwritten. Thank goodness the judge was patient enough to read the article scrawled on that piece of intermediate pad and managed to appreciate my typhoon account.

More than a decade later, nothing much has changed. Writing in script is always a challenge. Rather, reading what I have written in script is the challenge. Even I forget what the ink marks stood for. The tendency to forget isn’t very helpful in this area.

On a positive note, the handwriting, after about six journals, has improved a little. Relatively, it is easier to read.

My handwriting varies depending on the pen the way it is being held. I used to write names of my classmates in one sheet of paper and copy the manner they wrote their names, the letters, the way they held their pens, and the pressure applied to the pen. Some wrote as if they wanting to bore a whole in the paper, letters filled with corners while others wrote with such great ease as if the pen would slip out of their hands, letters with curves everywhere. I had this classmate who ended all his words with a downward stroke. His notes looked like a music sheet upside down. Of course, there were handwritings that I were worse than mine. I take comfort in that thought. A left handed classmate’s notes left me disoriented after reading his notes on the lessons I missed. The letters were slanted to the left. The neck ached after that reading. Another classmate seemed to write in circles! It seemed that all her letters were formed from a circle. Her writing style I adopted for prolonged copy-what’s-on-the-board sessions in high school. Later, I copied my aunt’s name. She had this distinct way of writing her Vs. My father’s signature was a tricky one. All I managed to copy was his R.

I never was able to maintain a handwriting. It changes depending on a lot of things. I never really use the same pen for a long period of time. So the handwriting changes. They say, you’re handwriting reflects your personality. What then does varying handwriting indicate?

The third sister will be writing her lesson plans in script. That’s was why I remembered all these. She’s starting with the preparations for her first school year as a teacher. Handwritten lesson plans? in script – as in the prescribed way of writing letters? That’s one thing I’m thankful that I’m not required to do. Although, it did make me more aware of the way I should be writing my letters. We’ll see.

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